To add the characters to the game, copy the folders and paste them inside the 'chars' folder, which is located inside the IMT (Blue) folder. Next up, we need to add them to the actual code! This may sound difficult, but if you can type in the characters name, you can code them into the game. To code MUGEN, go to the 'data' folder. This is enough to make some of you panic most likely, but don't worry, you won't touch most of these components! Instead, go to the IMT04 folder. Here will be an image file, and two .def files. 'Select' controls your characters and stages and 'system' is, well, the system. Open the select.def. You may be wondering how, as you most likely have never heard of a .def file before. But simply open the file with Notepad. Yes, Notepad. Now everything is in clear English.
Under [Characters], simply type the name of the character. Your first few lines should now look like this.
And Ta Da! Open MUGEN and there they are!

Full Mugen Download With Characters List

Mugen 1.1 Download
- This category should contain builds of M.U.G.E.N that have been bundled with characters, stages and other content of a consistent theme and style that has been primarily created by the person(s) who compiled it.
- Well MUGEN is the first step for any fighting game fan with these dreams to start. With MUGEN, you can build your own fighting game with all the characters you wish, just look at mine for example. Building a MUGEN is very simple and will only take about one day to learn! Perfect for anyone with a weekend appetite for gaming!
- About Animes All Stars. Animes All Stars is a fighting game developed with Mugen engine by Kaioh-SAMA - the creator of Mugen games well known from titles like Dragon Ball Z Battle of Gods and Dragon Ball Super X Katekyo Hitman Reborn Mugen.
Mugen Download
This is the naruto mugen characters section. Hundreds of the best naruto chars ever created. The most powerful chars from this anime and naruto Shippuden also, can be found here. Some examples are 2tails Kyuubi, the sage version by MGSSJ2, sasuke by cliff-a and a lot of other good chibi and normal sized naruto characters for mugen.