Muata Ashby Meditation Pdf

Nov 15, 2012  These were extracted from the book The Kemetic Diet, Food for Body, Mind and Soul by Dr. Muata Ashby, which is a study of (Ancient African) practices and writings in the area of preventative health and healing, engendered by the first medical doctors in historythe Sunus or Kemetic (Ancient Egyptian) physicians. Meditation and inner self. This is an information site for for those aspirants seeking spiritual training in the teaching of Shetaut Neter (Ancient Egyptian Mysteries) and Sema Tawi (Egyptian Yoga) as taught by Sebai Dr. Here you will find information about how the program is organized and what the purpose and goal has been in setting it up. Ashby, Muata Egyptian Tantra Yoga ISBN: 1-884564-03-8 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data 1 Yoga 2 Egyptian Philosophy, 3 Tantrism, 4 Esoterism, 5 Meditation, 6 Self Help. Check out the latest books, audio and video presentations on Egyptian Yoga and seminars, classes and courses now on the World Wide Web!

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  3. Muata Ashby Meditation Pdf
  4. Muata Ashby Egyptian Yoga Pdf

Muata Ashby Meditation Pdf Online

Meditation may be thought of or defined as the practice of mental exercises and disciplines to enable the aspirant to achieve control over the mind, specifically, to stop the vibrations of the mind due to unwanted thoughts, imaginations, etc. But why is this necessary? Why should one need to control the thoughts and vibrations of the mind? Ordinarily, people profess to believe in something greater than their physical existence but what is this something? If a person on the street is asked, 'Who are You?', most likely he or she will point to their body and say 'this is me.' But is this all there is to life? Many people profess to believe in a soul but do they really understand what it is? If they did why would they mourn at funerals or fear their own death? A human being is not just a physical body with a mind and five senses. In reality there is a deeper existence, a vast ocean of reality of which most people are not aware. This is the realm of the Higher Self which all the teachings of yoga and the various practices of meditation are directed toward discovering. This 'hidden' aspect of ourselves which is beyond the thoughts is known as Neter Neteru, Amun, Asar or Amenta in the Ancient Egyptian mystical philosophy system of spirituality, as Brahman, in Indian Vedanta philosophy , as God in Christianity and as The Self. Due to mental distraction and erroneous thoughts and lifestyles, people are unable to discover their true higher nature, and thus they experience a limited existence as ordinary human beings until the time of their death. The Higher Self in a human being is like air. Air is free; moving in an unobstructed manner it circles the earth. However, if a certain volume of air were caught in an airtight bottle, the air would seem to be caught, trapped in the bottle existence. In the same manner, the human soul is part of the cosmos and it is all pervasive. However, as it associates with an individual existence and becomes involved with the desires, thoughts, fears and ignorance of human existence, it loses sight of its all-pervasive and transcendental nature. Thus, the body, mind, senses, thoughts, emotions and ignorance which together constitute the personality of a human being, are in reality like a bottle which closes off the vision of the truth. The soul, which is innately free and boundless, is as if caught by the reality of the individual personality, and the pressure of desires, longings and imaginations from this limited reality as if mesmerizes the Higher Self. This limited existence is known as the ego-consciousness. So from being Universal, the soul begins to believe itself to be individual. However, in reality the soul never stopped being Universal. The personality of a human being is like a transient veil like a magical illusion. At night the stars appear to be minuscule but if you were to get closer you would see that they are massive heavenly bodies. In the same way if you were to get closer to your real Self you would see that it is expansive and limitless. In most people their ego-personality is so prominent that they cannot see beyond its reality. Through the process of Yoga Philosophy and Meditation, a human being has the possibility of breaking through the confinement of individuality in order to discover universality and limitless expansion. So in reality every human being is not limited and finite. There is a greater reality which can and must be discovered.

'synopsis' may belong to another edition of this title.

Product Information

  • MEDITATION The Ancient Egyptian Path to Enlightenment Many people do not know about the rich history of meditation practice in Ancient Egypt. This volume outlines the theory of meditation and presents the Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic text which give instruction as to the nature of the mind and its three modes of expression. It also presents the texts which give instruction on the practice of meditation for spiritual Enlightenment and unity with the Divine. This volume allows the reader to begin practicing meditation by explaining, in easy to understand terms, the simplest form of meditation and working up to the most advanced form which was practiced in ancient times and which is still practiced by yogis around the world in modern times.

Product Identifiers

Muata Ashby Pdf

  • Cruzian Mystic Books
  • 1884564267
  • 9781884564260
  • 737314

Product Key Features

  • Paperback
  • 1997
  • English

Muata Ashby Meditation Pdf

Additional Product Features

Muata Ashby Egyptian Yoga Pdf

  • Yes
  • Muata A. Ashby
  • 260 Pages
  • 1997-04-01